Monday, February 1, 2010

The beginning of Spring Semester

Yesterday Alpha Xi Delta welcomed 40 beautiful new women into our sorority, and they will all help us to grow as a chapter.

This morning I was able to go see the yellow beast for the first time since I've been home.  She looks great! Though she never actually made it home to Jim Bob's. As soon as the snow melts we will begin getting into shape together, showing, and getting her sold.  Grayson told me a story today, about how the pony got from one pasture to the other unscathed, and her only solution (though she didn't see it) is that the pony must have jumped from one side to the other.  Can you imagine?  Our little yellow pony jumping a 4'6" fence or a 5' gate just to get to the other side?  I guess its that whole "the grass is greener on the other side thing," although I'm just happy she made it out with no injury.  I guess that free jumping session sparked a little something in her mind, so I look forward to exploring her newfound interest/talent!

As soon as the snow melts we can get started on building that top line of hers and getting her fit and sane!  I hope the winter has been as good to you all as it has to her and to me.

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