Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can you tell I'm proud of her?

"Yes!" I yelled to Sarah as I watched the pony responding to Sarah's questions.  Sarah put a training ride on Zena for the first time today, and it was amazing to watch.  I asked her to walk me through each thing that she asks, and how to ask each question the right way.  All of it was AMAZING to watch.  She is so talented, and the pony was so responsive.  Sarah also seemed really impressed with how far she has come (she saw her at the VERY beginning in June during that lesson in the indoor), even though she hadn't gotten on her back then  

Sarah's project for the day was starting to work her down onto the bit, something I put on the back burner in exchange for getting her to work back to front, leg to hand laying the foundation for her capabilities.  I think with how far she has come in the past two months, and even in the time that she has been in North Carolina, it is now time that we can start asking these questions of her.  She also started doing the shoulder-in at the trot and canter, which I hadn't attempted yet.  Overall it was really fun to get to watch someone so talented play around with her.  

Watching the pony respond and come down onto the bit, even if it was just for a stride or two was so exciting, especially since I have never asked it of her or seen her do it.  Tomorrow will be interesting!  

I joined the Dressage team this year, and at our first meeting, I met a freshman who may be interested in her.  I also will be making a phone call to a potential buyer in the morning!  Hopefully our little girl will finally find a wonderful home soon! 

In other news, Pony is learning to bow.  She is getting a little spoiled by me, but the relationship we have been building has just made her more trustworthy, and has improved her work ethic under saddle.  

Can you tell I'm proud of her?

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